Companies tend to leave envelopes aside in their marketing campaigns. Because envelopes are printed with the recipient's address on the back and enclose your invitations or cards to send, envelopes are considered simple containers of the marketing message.

However, envelopes can add another dimension to your marketing efforts. Similar to the cover of a brochure, you can apply different marketing assets across your envelope to encourage recipients to open it and read its contents. It all depends on the materials used and the design of the envelopes.

Below we give you some tips on how you can increase the appearance of your envelopes to capture the attention of your target audience.

Envelope materials for your marketing campaigns

Some envelopes are better than others, regardless of the design, due to the quality of the paper used. As they are usually transported by mail, it is better that the envelopes are printed on paper of at least 90gr. This not only keeps the invitation or card inside the envelope intact, but also shows the design of the envelope more clearly due to its sturdiness.

Envelope size for your marketing campaigns

Size should also be taken into account. Make sure the contents fit exactly inside the envelope. Below are some of the popular sizes available for envelopes at and their corresponding predefined paper or card insert sizes.

direct marketing

Design of envelopes for marketing campaigns

As a marketing tool, appearance counts for envelopes too. You must remain consistent with your brand identity.

For envelopes that are not mailed and delivered to recipients by hand, you can design your envelopes without following postal rules.

Here are some tips you can do to make the best impression on the recipient with your envelope marketing.

Putting less is more: Minimalism has taught us to leave space between design elements and choose solid but bold colors to achieve great effect with our printed media.

Also design the back and inside: For design purposes only, use the empty space on the back of the envelope with your design to create a marketing tool that separates it from the rest.

Includes attractive copy: Use different marketing resources (emotion, security, desire for beauty, etc.) and turn them into persuasive words to capture the recipient's attention.

Indicates the benefits: Establish the incentives why they should read your letter.

Show a clear call to action: The call to action should prompt them to open the envelopes and read the letter. It also injects a sense of urgency so they read it right away. You'll be amazed at how "Read More Inside...RIGHT NOW!" It can make a big difference with your envelope marketing.

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